people having a meeting in an office

Marketing Tools For Small Business Owners

Small businesses don’t typically have the funds or resources available to invest in expensive marketing tools; however, you can find cost-effective software and services that will support business growth.

Google Analytics is an invaluable free software tool that offers invaluable insight into your website. Another helpful resource is HARO, which connects journalists searching for sources with you as their resources.

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is an extremely effective free tool that can help you quickly identify keywords your audience is searching for, as well as trends in marketing such as how often certain terms are searched for or their seasonality.

Stats provided include estimated clicks and impressions (how often your ads will appear), cost, and average CTR; you can use this data to craft effective AdWords campaigns.

Google Keyword Planner makes it easier than ever before to identify long-tail keywords, which according to Ahrefs can increase traffic to your content by 40%. Unfortunately, users find GKP has some drawbacks; for instance, monthly searches have been discontinued in favor of range searches; which can be frustrating for marketers seeking to improve SEO strategies using it as part of their strategies.


MailChimp is one of the world’s premier email marketing platforms, with all the functionality you need to reach and expand your target audience and expand your business. It has an expansive user base and remains cost-effective.

Features include easy drag-and-drop forms that integrate seamlessly with your website, as well as a free plan to allow for testing the software before making a commitment. This feature is particularly beneficial to newcomers who may feel intimidated by investing in such an unfamiliar tool before becoming comfortable using it.

Not only can marketers benefit from its granular reporting, as it allows them to identify problems and opportunities quickly and accurately. It provides detailed analytics on individual subscribers such as open and click rates as well as automation options like birthday emails and product recommendations.

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer is one of the most acclaimed headline analyzers available. It allows users to create effective and engaging headlines. The tool features power words and reading grade level levels that can help refine your headlines, while an additional feature lets users preview how their headline will look on social media platforms.

This tool is both free and user-friendly, offering multiple analysis scores such as SEO and engagement scores as well as suggestions on improving headlines by using emotional words or mentioning your brand to increase engagement.

CoSchedule provides many other features, such as social media preview and editorial calendar integration, making the software suitable for any industry or size business.


Quuu is an online content sharing tool designed to save both individuals and businesses time in finding and posting relevant material on social media. Combining algorithms with human intervention, Quuu selects only relevant posts for users to share on their channels – as well as basic analytics so you can measure its success.

Use Quuu Discover’s community to quickly locate high-quality, hand-curated content relevant to your business and then integrate it with social media scheduling tools for an effortless experience.


ReferralCandy is a referral marketing tool that enables users to design and manage referral programs. The tool can easily integrate into existing customer journeys such as post-purchase emails and ecommerce platforms, while offering five-star support via live chat as well as other resources – making it an attractive option for small businesses at only $49 monthly subscription fees.

ReferralCandy provides merchants with an effective tool for marketing their business with affiliate and referral programs that can promote one-off or subscription products. Once set up, customers are provided with a unique link they can share with friends and family to spread the word of ReferralCandy rewards such as cash discounts or store credits. Furthermore, automatic integration is available with Shopify/BigCommerce stores as well as simple email integration for easy email campaigns as well as JS API Integration to assist developers.