No matter what industry you are in, building a strong brand identity is important. It can help you set
yourself apart from your competition. All the most successful organisations have strong identities.
People in the general public know at least something about them even if they’ve never interacted
with the company. Examples of this can be Apple being known because they are a leader in
innovative technology. In order to stand out in a crowd of different companies that offer essentially
the same service or product, brand identity is your friend. These are the ways to start building it
Run a Brand Audit
One of the most important things to do when starting to build an identity is to understand where
you already are in relation to your environment. Understanding what customers think of you
already, how you are performing as well as analysing competitors. Your competitor analysis will
include looking at their websites, SEO, brand identity and the advertising they use. This will then give
you a solid base of information to take to the next stage of developing your identity.
Solidify Who You Are & What You Offer
For branding to be a success you first have to know who you are. Make sure that everything from
mission statements to core values are something that you believe in. Being passionate about what
you are preaching is a great for getting people to believe in your brand. You also need to think of
what you are proposing to your customers, would you as a consumer buy in to your brand?
Put Time In To Your Creative Outlets
A vitally important piece of branding is how people see your brand. The voice, feel and look of your
company will shape how potential customers perceive you. The platforms that you use for marketing
need to have a positive reflection on your brand. Make sure that everything from themes, colours,
logo and fonts give your business the strong brand identity that you want. You can even use
professional companies to assist with this stage.
Strategize Building Your Strong Brand Identity
Brand identity isn’t something that magically appears overnight. It’s going to take time and several
strategies before you get to your end goal. As you start to develop the identity you will need to
change up your strategy. If you leave the same strategy for too long your development will stagnate
and may even regress. Building a social media presence will help develop a relationship with your
customer base. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more can be used to do this.
Keep Analysing and Evolving
The identity of your brand doesn’t have to stay the same. Unlike your core values or mission
statement it isn’t something that is set in stone. It should reflect where you are at as a company. If
things change within the company and you are going in a different direction then start to adapt your
brand identity to reflect this. As long as you are constantly making sure that your identity is working
for you and your customers then you will be on your way to being successful.